FOR YOU!MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. is a registered entity with as a SDVOSB (SERVICE DISABLED VETERAN OWNED SMALL BUSINESS) and VOB (VETERANS OWNED BUSINESS). FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. listed under Defense Logistics Agency CAGE CODE 118354478 / CG1QR9B7L1N5 / 974A1 and eligible for all government set asides and awards.  

FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. is the only filed SDVOSD and VOB filed with the NAICS CODE 711320.  

FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. will now join the amazing group of companies which include:



Peach Bowl Inc Atlanta GA
AEG Presents LLC Los Angeles CA
C3 Presents LLC Austin TX
Second City Inc Chicago IL
World Triathlon Corporation Tampa FL
CAA Sports LLC Los Angeles CA
National Scouting Report Inc Alabaster AL
GND Prix Assn Long Bch LLC Long Beach CA
BGA Design Limited Inc Miami FL

FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS  a Delaware Limited Liability Company "LLC"  for military bases in the United States and bases around the world  as well as major location of  countries where our military has great relationships.   The tours are the exclusive provider of  music entertainment for all WorldGate Community International in the Greater Caribbean, South Pacific, South Asia and Africa location as a regular feature program at their hotels and entertainment  centers and casinos


Original songs will be developed utilizing words  from  FOR YOU! are taken from a speech by Dennis M. Butts given hundreds of times on special days like Memorial Day and Veterans Day to thousands. It symbolizes his feeling from the war in which he fought.

FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. is filed  with Defense Logistics Agency CAGE CODE 118354478 / CG1QR9B7L1N5 / 974A1and D.U.N.S GOVERNMENT under  SDVOSB and VOB status (Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business and Veterans Owned Business) on all government entertainment bid as a prime or subcontractor which can mean millions in contracts to FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC has established of necessary bank accounts, escrow accounts,  CPA and Legal Services required.

This will also change the strategy with the military bases by allowing the military bases to contact FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. for solicited bids. FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS were listed under unsolicited bids which means we are the one wanting to provide the concert or tour. Solicited means they have reached out to FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. and as the SDVODB we have priority to get the contract. A SAM registration is required for any entity to bid on and get paid for federal contracts or to receive federal funds. These include for-profit businesses, nonprofits, government contractors, government subcontractors, state governments, and local municipalities

The FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS are planned at bases and facilities of  major project associated with our military and veterans starting in Summer of 2022 as well as major WorldGate Community International Projects and high profile resorts. THE FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOUR U.S. SUMMER SERIES. All FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS are set up thought the MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation) on military bases and with private veterans facilities such Veterans national Center & technology Educational Institute www. and major WorldGate Veterans Communities.
“Morale, Welfare and Recreation, abbreviated MWR, is a network of support and leisure services designed for use by U.S. servicemembers, their families & military retirees except Eglin Air Force Base, veterans with 100 percent service-connected disability, current and retired DoD civilian employees, and other eligible participants.”

Each base location on the FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOUR will feature special HONORED GUEST from our MILITARY. These HONORED GUEST will include MEDAL OF HONOR Awardees, GOLD STAR MOTHERS and FATHERS and other distinguished members of the military both current and past.  A list will be published of each HONOR GUEST will appear on this website as the are named. 

HBCU HERO concert series for HBCU schools to celebrate and honor the great black military from the various HBCU schools such as the famed Tuskegee Airman. This mission will be led by Mr. Zerion Turlington and Mr. Michael Brown. Mr. Butts through his own combat experience and knowledge of great black war fighters in Vietnam understands the huge contribution black military enlisted and officers played in Vietnam and every other war. 

The FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS, LLC. along with  NOW I UNDERSTAND and Dennis M. Butts author, lecturer, dynamic reading and speaking personality with country music artist will deliver his amazing FOR YOU! and LOST SOUL at national  conventions, mega Churches, Veterans Centers, military treatment center, military retirement centers and nursing homes for our veterans as well as major events throughout the US for our Veterans. These performances  are preformed by a selected group of touring vocalist and instrumentalist.  The FOR YOU! MILITARY MUSIC TOURS-ENTERTAINMENT TOURING GROUP also tours veterans' hospitals, military hospitals for our wounded troops and  hospitals for children such as St. Luke and Shriners Hospital for Children as part of Honor Valor Courage Corporation Lilly's Little Warriors Program. The FOR YOU ! MILITARY MUSIC TOUR- is available for booking for special events both public and private. 



I would ask you to just stop and think for one moment as you read or hear this, someone you may or most likely do not know is in combat in a far-off land. They are hungry, dirty, hot, tired and mentally wasted. They are getting ready to move out on another operation to try to find the enemy to protect YOU.

They are not there for adventure or excitement or for medals that has long since passed any thoughts, they are there FOR YOU! Some will be killed today, some will be wounded, some will just go back and get ready to do it all FOR YOU again tomorrow and each tomorrow after that till they cannot do it any more FOR YOU! If that is because they are killed, wounded or sent home to remember each day they did this FOR YOU for the rest of their lives.

You may watch the news channel and for a brief moment think about them in harm’s way and say how bad it is, but for the families of those who never come home and paid the highest price FOR YOU they will never be able to turn to another channel, that is their news channel forever, the day they hear the dreadful news. For the wounded who make it home, they cannot change the channel either, all they have to do is look in the mirror and the ones who have the hidden wounds in their minds they just have to close their eyes. They are locked on that channel forever and they did this all FOR YOU!

Most of you who read this will never know the fear of knowing someone you do not know and have never met truly wants to kill you and the emotions of knowing you are going to kill someone you have never met and do not know, but this is the world of the combat troops who do it every day FOR YOU!

 Please just take one minute each day and say thank you to the troops who are standing on the wall to protect you and your family, who are willing to die, be wounded or mentally hurt for the rest of their lives FOR YOU!  It does not take much, but they will know.

 When you see someone in uniform just say thank you for protecting me. If you hear someone say they were deployed just say welcome home. If you see someone with a Purple Heart Medal or ribbon on their uniform or license plate or anywhere you see it just say thanks for sheading your blood for me. They did it all FOR YOU!